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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Code-Zone / share-mods / Forest Map (Available in Plugin Manager)
Reposted this because the previous one was ugly Forest Map "Basically bridgit map but outter version"
  • Added its own points instead of borrowing football stadium data
  • May not supported in most games
(Example: if i support this map with capture the flag/assault, Its slightly not possible since the map isnt built for this and can cause team flags to change positions by themselves due to bumpy collisions which making them uneven. I still keeping choosen one/king of the hill since the middle of the map is flat but not perfectly) Downloads Highly recommended to download at the plugin manager made by the BombSquad Community for instant installment instead of restarting the app Or u can download the file below
⭐ 5
Bobra (MamiMadness) 7/2/2023 9:00 AM
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